Building with WooCommerce Rest APIs


5 min read

I just completed a project where I had to integrate my app with WooCommerce Rest APIs. In this article, we will discuss important things I learned and how to use WooCommerce Rest APIs to build integrations if you ever have to use them.

WooCommerce is a leading service for building e-commerce stores More than 30% of e-commerce online stores are built on WooCommerce.

Understanding WooCommerce API

Understanding Woo APIs can significantly enhance the functionality and integration possibilities of your online store.

With well-detailed API documentation, WooCommerce offers endpoints for managing products, orders, customers, and many more possibilities.

OAuth Flow for WooCommerce

The OAuth flow for WooCommerce involves the registration of a client application with the WooCommerce store, followed by the initiation of an authorization request by the client application. Upon redirection to the WooCommerce authorization endpoint, the user is prompted to authenticate and grant permissions to the application. After granting access, WooCommerce generates an authorization code, which the client application exchanges for an access token via a token exchange request to the WooCommerce token endpoint. With the access token obtained, the client application can then access protected resources on behalf of the user by including the token in API requests.

const WooCommerceRestApi = require("@woocommerce/woocommerce-rest-api").default;
// import WooCommerceRestApi from "@woocommerce/woocommerce-rest-api"; // Supports ESM

const WooCommerce = new WooCommerceRestApi({
  url: '',
  consumerKey: 'consumer_key',
  consumerSecret: 'consumer_secret',
  version: 'wc/v3'

Webhooks Implementations

Through the APIs, you can specify the URL endpoints where WooCommerce should send webhook notifications and select specific events to subscribe to, such as order updates or product creations. Upon the occurrence of the chosen events, WooCommerce triggers the corresponding webhooks, sending HTTP POST requests to the registered endpoints with event payload data. You then handle these payloads on their server endpoints, performing actions based on the received event information, such as updating databases or triggering automated processes. The implementation also includes handling responses to confirm successful processing and utilizing WooCommerce's built-in retry mechanism for reliable delivery of webhook notifications. Through this approach, you can seamlessly integrate real-time event-driven functionality into your applications, enhancing the interaction and automation capabilities of your WooCommerce store.

An example of how you can register product creation webhook

// Register webhook for product creation event
const webhookData = {
    name: 'Product Creation',
    topic: 'product.created',
    delivery_url: 'YOUR_WEBHOOK_URL',
const createdWebhook = await'webhooks', webhookData);
console.log('Webhook created:',;

Following this same approach, you can register webhooks for so many other events on your WooCommerce store, like product updates, order creation, and order updates.

Handling Webhook Payload

This involves understanding the structure of the payloads and extracting relevant data for processing. WooCommerce webhooks deliver event notifications in JSON format, containing information about specific events that occur within the WooCommerce store, such as order creation, product updates, or customer actions. You must parse these payloads to extract essential data elements, such as order details, product information, customer data, and any custom metadata associated with the event. By examining the structure of webhook payloads and utilizing appropriate JSON parsing techniques, you can extract the necessary information and perform actions based on the received events, such as updating databases, triggering notifications, or executing custom business logic. Effective handling of webhook payloads enables real-time integration with WooCommerce stores, allowing developers to build responsive and automated systems that respond to changes and events within the e-commerce platform.

WooCommerce Bulk Data Management

Suppose, when building your app or service, you want to be able to import existing store products and orders, This must be handled effectively to avoid errors that might occur.

Some steps can help you achieve this.

  • Data Retrieval: You fetch products from the WooCommerce store in batches using pagination to handle large volumes of data efficiently. By iterating over pages of products, you ensure that all products are retrieved.
  let allProducts = [];
  let page = 1;
  const response = await WooCommerce.get("products", { per_page: 100, page });
   while (true) {
      try {
        const response = await WooCommerce.get("products", { per_page: 100, page });
        const products = response?.data;

        if (products.length === 0) {
          break; // No more products, exit the loop

        allProducts = allProducts.concat(products);
      } catch (error) {
        console.error("Error fetching products from WooCommerce:", error);
        throw new Error("Error fetching products from WooCommerce");
  • Data Formatting: After fetching products, you format the response data, including handling product variants. This ensures that the data is structured appropriately for further processing.

  • Data Usage: Once the data is formatted, you write your logic to either save it to a database or use it however you like in your application. This bulk posting of products optimizes data transfer and reduces the number of HTTP requests, improving overall efficiency.

  • Error Handling: Throughout the process, you handle potential errors, such as missing store details or errors in fetching products, ensuring reliability in your data management workflow.

  • Response Handling: You handle the response from your application's endpoint, confirming the successful importation of products and logging any errors encountered during the process. This provides feedback to users and aids in troubleshooting any issues that may arise.

This same process will also work for bulk import store orders.

In conclusion, WooCommerce API integration empowers you to create custom solutions and streamline e-commerce workflows. By understanding authentication methods, webhook implementation, and CRUD operations, you can seamlessly integrate WooCommerce with external applications, enhancing the functionality and scalability of your online store.

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Happy Coding ๐Ÿ˜„
